
A Recent short stay on Antigua has enabled me to inquire into a few points in the geology of that island. Among the matters of interest were to investigate the crucial question of the age of the Seaforth Limestone, which carries with it the age of the volcanic mountainous part of the island. Also to inquire into the supposed occurrence of Cretaceous Chalk at Cassada Gardens; to see some of the igneous intrusions in the Central plain and the Antigua Limestone; to collect the freshwater mollusca of the silicified tuff beds; and to search the Antigua Limestone for the so-called “Oligocene rudist”, Neomonopleura (Rothpletzia), which Dr. Lehner told me he thought occurred at Hodge's Bay. The sub-fossil land shells in the Pleistocene marls at St. George's Church also interested me, among other matters.

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