
Auri et sodii chloridum is a mixture of equal parts of dry gold chlorid and sodium chlorid. It is very soluble in water and very easily decomposed by sunlight and organic matter, This drug is tonic, alterative, bactericidal, and antiseptic. It acts on the digestive tract, in small doses improving the appetite, stimulating the functions of the liver and stomach, promoting assimilation and general nutrition. The larger doses continued produce epigastric pain, nausea, and anorexia. Still larger doses produce violent gastro-enteritis without ulceration and salivation. Six and a half centigrams (gr. 1) have produced these symptoms in an adult, and this same dose has produced death in a dog in four minutes. In anemia, in small doses, it increases percentage of hemoglobin and the number of red blood corpuscles; on the nervous system, in small doses, it is a cerebral stimulant, making the mind more active, and often inducing in

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