
The story of Maitrakanyaka is unquestionably old, and has survived in a number of versions which vary considerably in detail. The main outline of the story in the Avadāna-śataka, which is closely related to the versions in the Divyavadāna, the Avadāna-kalpalatā of Kṣemendra, and the Bhadrakalpāvaādna, is as follows:A rich merchant, Mitra, for a long time has no children who survive childhood; and he is advised that if he gives a girl's name to the next son to be born to him, the child will live (yadi te putro jāyate, tasya dārikā-nāma sthāpayitavyam, evam asau cirajīvī bhaviṣyati). After the child's birth, the relatives say, ‘This boy is the son of Mitra (mitrasya putrah, as being equivalent to maitraḥ), and is a girl (kanyā ca); therefore let his name be Maitrakanyaka’.

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