
Given a Clifford semigroup G, we construct special G-operands L and R which we term conformai. Certain suboperands of L and R we call threads and fix some special G-isomorphisms, which we term coherent, of threads in R onto threads in L. On the set of all coherent G-isomorphisms of threads in L onto threads in R we define a sandwich-type multiplication. When we restrict our threads to be cyclic suboperands of L and R, this construction produces a normal cryptogroup which we represent as \( S=[Y;S_{\alpha},\chi_{{\alpha},{\beta}}] \)-Without any restriction on the threads this produces a semigroup isomorphic with a remarkable ideal of the translational hull of S. Conversely, given a strong semilattice of completely simple semigroups, satisfying certain conditions, we can represent it isomorphically as indicated above.

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