
Poecilochroa minuta, n. sp.Length ♂, 4 mm.; ceph., 1.7 mm. long, 1.1 broad, patella plus tibia IV., 1.6 mm. Cephalothorax uniform reddish yellow, legs and palpi a trifle paler, except metatarse IV. which are reddish brown; sternum yellowish; abdomen black, with short white hairs and some longer black ones at base; venter with a pale streak each side; spinnerets red-brown. Head narrow; posterior eyre row slightly recurved, longer than anterior row, the P. M. E. round, their diameter apart and a near the P. S. E. as to each other, equal in size; eyes of anterior row subequal, all close rogether. No plate under fang of mandibles. Legs quite hairy, but the scopulas not dense; femora with three of four very large spines above, each spine longer than the posterior eye row; no spine above on tibia IV., one below at tip of tibia I. Sternum narrow, nearly twice as long as wide. Abdomen slender no wider than cephalothorax, sipnnerets large, an interrupted ventral fold near their base. The tibia of the male palpus has on the outer tip a large, stout, slightly curved projection one-half the length of the tarsus and blunt pointed at tip; the palpal organ is swollen near middle, the style is short.

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