
Andrena krigiana, n. sp.♀.—Black; mandibles rufous at tips, toothed near the apex; basal process of labrum short, subquadrate, emarginate; clypeus somewhat shining towards apex, where it is rather distinctly punctured, elsewhere opaque and reticulated; face before ocelli longitudinally striate; facial foveæ quite short, not descending below insertion of antennæ, filled with a fine pubescence which appears black; antennæ short, joint 3 as long as the next three together, or nearly so, apical joints dull testaceous beneath; thorax throughout opaque and finely reticulated; enclosure of metathorax poorly defined, but rather strongly rugose; pubescence of head and thorax rather thin and dull fulvous; wings subhyaline, nervures and stigma honey-yellow, second cubital cell about one-third as long as the third, oblique, receiving the first recurrent nervure at, or a little before, or a little beyond, the middle; abdomen shining, rather sparsely and rather evenly punctured, apical margins of segments pale testaceous, hardly subfasciate, fimbria fulvous; scopæ pale, the hairs of hind tibiæ rather strongly plumose. Length, 8 mm.

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