
In the auditory cortex of nitrous oxide-anesthetized, muscle-relaxed cats, single neurons were studied for their responsiveness to pure tones that were mixed acoustically with simultaneously gated wide-spectrum noise bursts presented using a calibrated sealed stimulating system. The intensities of both the tone and the noise were systematically varied, with a view to ascertaining the sensitivity of cortical cells to a characteristic frequency tone delivered in the presence of a noise mask. Neurons for which wide-spectrum noise provided a net excitatory influence typically displayed a ‘strong-signal capture’ effect; that is, the cell's responses were dominated by whichever of the two elements of the combined stimulus was the more effective when tested separately. These cells generally had monotonic tone rate intensity functions. Most of the cells that were suppressed by the noise displayed nonmonotonic pure tone rate intensity functions. When nonmonotonic cells were studied with the combined stimulus, the noise was found to produce an intensity-dependent suppression of their tone-evoked responses that could not be overcome by elevating the tone intensity. In contrast, for the minority of monotonic neurons whose tone-evoked responses were suppressed by noise, that suppression could be overcome by raising the tone intensity. None of the cells in the sample responded in a sustained fashion to continuous noise. In each of 11 cases examined, the effect of a continuous noise mask was to elevate tone thresholds and to prolong latent periods for tones; the magnitude of both of these effects depended on the intensity of the continuous noise mask.

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