
Topicality. Statins are the most commonly prescribed lipid-lowering drugs. It is proven that their administration significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications. However, along with high efficiency, they provoke the development of side effects on the muscular system – myopathies and rhabdomyolysis. Mechanisms of myotoxity formation currently remains a controversial issue.Aim. To summarize the existing literature data concerning the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of myopathy associated with statins treatment.Results and discussion. According to modern concepts, molecular mechanisms of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis during treatment with statins may be associated with apoptosis of muscle fibers (as a result of violations of proteins post-translational modification); has an autoimmune nature (through its impact on major histocompatibility complex); lesion of ubiquitin-proteasome system; due to deficiency of ubiquinone and carnitine, and decreased synthesis of endogenous cholesterol.Conclusions. Molecular mechanisms of statin-associated myopathy development are complex and have both idiopathic and genetically nature.


  • Along with high efficiency, they provoke the development of side effects on the muscular system – myopathies and rhabdomyolysis

  • To summarize the existing literature data concerning the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of myopathy associated with statins treatment

  • Molecular mechanisms of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis during treatment with statins may be associated with apoptosis of muscle fibers; has an autoimmune nature; lesion of ubiquitin-proteasome system; due to deficiency of ubiquinone and carnitine, and decreased synthesis of endogenous cholesterol

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Згідно з сучасними уявленнями молекулярні механізми розвитку міопатії та рабдоміолізу на тлі лікування статинами можуть бути пов’язані із апоптозом м’язових волокон (внаслідок порушень посттрансляційної модифікації білків); носити аутоімунний характер (через вплив на головний комплекс гістосумісності); мати порушення функціонування убіквінтин-протеасомної системи; розвиватися внаслідок дефіциту убіхінону та карнітину та зниження синтезу ендогенного холестеролу. O. Briukhanova Some molecular mechanisms of the statin-associated myopathy development Aim. To summarize the existing literature data concerning the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of myopathy associated with statins treatment.

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