
During the last 10 years (2003-2013) more than 2000 children with pre-, perinatal encephalopathy from 3 months of age up to the age 1 year and catamnestic from the age of 1 year to 5 years neurological status and dynamics of optic-kinetic characteristics are investigated. Complex inspection of spatial orientation (adaptation) and the dynamic refraction status studied, as well as the vestibular support and vazomotor neyrohumoral mechanisms of the visual analyzer are assessed. For this purpose, on the basis of clinical examinations such as optic-vestibulyar sensitivity, vestibulo-ocular reflex, the dynamics of skin-vascular reflexes and eye-heart reflex parameters, the transformation of their mutual correlation coefficients are observed. Has been proven that for correct catamnestic (prognostic) treatment of both neurological and ophthalmological syndromes (with the exception of the genetic variants of metabolic determination) the first-rate importance feature for patients is separate them as soon as possible (early) into 3 clinical groups: patients with pre-, perinatal encephalopathy, patients with brain natal hemorrhage and patients with perinatal toxic-hypoxic encephalopathy. More than 50% of the patients involved in the study are the patients with pre-, perinatal encephalopathy, and as a reference in all, till at least 5 years of age, it has remained more or less optic-kinetic disadaptation manifestations. Most notable in this group of children patients with congenital myopia or congenital nistaqm. 20% of the children involved in this study (the 400 children who were examined at 3 months of age and with catamnesis up to 5 years of age) as a result of the brain natal hemorrhage up to 6 months of age, and sometimes up to 1 year of age spatial orientation of gaze stability was observed in non. In 1/3 of children with natal brain hemorrhage (135 children) optic-kinetic disadaptation manifestations was not possible full recover even up to 5 years of age. The most favorable prognostic group are children with perinatal toxic-hypoxic encephalopathy (more than 600 children). Moreover, if there are no provocative stimulating factors (trauma, infection), in all these cases optic-kinetic parameters of the visual analyzer were fully restored in a linear positive correlation with neurological syndromes.

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