
The author analyzes the socioeconomic transformations of the sphere of education at the stage of late capitalism (commercialization, bureaucratization, managerization, financialization). These transformations are due to the marketization of education. It also shows the changing role and place of the state at this stage of development of the capitalist system. The influence of these changes on the social sphere, for example, the sphere of education, is studied. Changes in the labor market are determined and their impact on education. It is concluded that there is a need to adjust the interaction of the labor market and the education sector. The state should be an active participant in this process. The Object of the Study. Changes in the role of the state at the stage of late capitalism. The Subject of the Study. Socio-economic transformations in education at the stage of late capitalism. The Purpose of the Study. From a theoretical point of view, determine the impact of change The Main Provisions of the Article. 1. Modern stage of development of the capitalist system (late capitalism) it is characterized by a neoliberal model of market economy. It is characterized by market fundamentalism and reduced budget financing of the social sphere, the global hegemony of financial capital and the globalization of all spheres of human activity. 2. The market economy of late capitalism is characterized by the marketization of the social sphere, in particular, education. 3. In the market economy of late capitalism, the place and role of the state is changing. 4. The social sphere becomes the main sector in the structure of the economy at the stage of late capitalism, since it is in it that the main productive force of society is formed - the creative potential of a person. 5. In Russia in the field of education observed the regressive trends which have an impact on the labour market. 6. In turn, there are changes in the labor market that require a certain response from the education sector. 7. At the stage of late capitalism, it is necessary to adjust the interaction of the labor market and the education sector. The state should be directly involved in this.

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