
The (nā€“1)-dimensional mod 2 cycle generated by the great circles passing through two fixed, diametrically opposite points in the n-dimensional sphere Sn is considered in the space Ī Sn of nonoriented, nonparametrized closed curves in Sn. It is shown that it is not null-homologous (this has some significance for the variational theory of closed geodesics). The construction of the corresponding invariant is reminiscent of the construction of the degree of a map by smooth means. This exploits the fact that the homology of Ī Sn can be constructed using only the singular simplices obtained as follows: in the space of parametrized closed curves, take the singular simplices satisfying some differentiability condition, and project them into Ī Sn (that is, ignore the orientations and parametrizations of the respective curves). Bibliography: 13 titles.

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