
The aim of the study To see the effect of location, season and display time on the accumulation of some heavy metals (Lead, copper, zinc, cadmium and cobalt) in sheep and cattle liver. Liver samples were obtained from three districts in Anbar province (Ramadi, Hit and Baghdadi). This study began from January 2017 to November 2017 for all seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn) Samples were taken from the liver immediately after slaughter for cattle and sheep at 8 am and taken at 4 pm for all areas of study. The results of the study were summarized in the quadratic overlap of the animal type, season, location and time as follows: The highest concentration of lead in liver (38.86 μg / g liver) was recorded in sheep for spring and evening in Ramadi. The lowest concentration was in sheep in Baghdadi for morning and winter (20.06 micro g / g liver). The highest concentration of copper in the liver (34.65 microgram / g liver) was recorded in cows in Ramadi for the winter season and evening time. The lowest concentration was in the sheep liver during the summer season for morning time in the city of al-Baghdadi (20.43 microgram / g liver). The highest concentration was in the liver (603.99 microgram / g liver) in the sheep for the autumn season and the evening time in the city of Ramadi. The lowest concentration was in the sheep in the city of Baghdadi for morning and summer (560.32 microgram / g liver). The highest concentration of cadmium in the liver (30.88 micro g / g liver) was in sheep in Ramadi for the autumn and evening season, and the lowest concentration was in beef in the summer season for morning time in al-Baghdadi city (9.66 μg / g liver). Cobalt was the highest concentration (1.34, 1.34 and 1.35 micro g / g liver) in cow and sheep liver, autumn, summer and evening time for Ramadi. While the lowest concentration of sheep and cattle liver for the city of Baghdadi for the winter season and morning time (0.64 and 0.63 microgram / g liver).

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