
This chapter is devoted to the study of propagation of magnetoelastic waves in isotropic and anisotropic electro-conductive media. The basic linearized equations, boundary conditions and relations of perfectly conducting media, describing magnetoelastic wave processes, are derived. Magnetoelastic plane waves in infinite media are investigated. The characteristic equation of bulk magnetoelastic waves is derived. The classification of fast and slow, as well as of quasi-longitudinal and quasi-transverse, magnetoelastic waves is given. It is shown in which cases, depending on the orientation of the external magnetic field, the medium is under plane-strain conditions. The condition of complete hyperbolicity, which ensures the possibility of propagation of magnetoelastic waves in any direction, is established. Investigation of the roots of the characteristic equation reveals the nature of propagation of fast and slow waves, depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the medium and the magnitude of the external magnetic field intensity. The changes in wave’s phase velocities depending on the direction of propagation characteristics of the elastic medium and magnetic field.

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