
This article examines some of the peculiarities of students' focus on a wide range of educational materials and also the impact of didactic measures on the level of knowledge absorption.
 Our studies have shown that teaching emphasis is different at vocational youth schools and some teachers need measures to get and maintain students' attention. The examination revealed that specific teaching materials were relatively easy for students to pay attention to, while abstract material did not grab their attention. The didactic means by which attempts were made to induce and maintain students' attention had a relatively large impact on younger students (up to 17), mastering abstract educational material. The older students (18-25 and older) saw somewhat improved results in learning factual material.
 Thus getting the students' attention and maintaining in within the confines of a vocational school, as shown by research, has great psychological and pedagogical implications and is one of the conditions for preparing students for educational attainment. However, in order to prepare students to actively absorb knowledge it is not enough to get their attention. In addition to this, studies have shown that vocational school specifics require the following:
 a) Ascertain students' existing knowledge
 b) When possible eliminate gaps in knowledge (this is especially important if past and current topics overlap)
 c) Raise students' interest in the educational material
 d) Promote self-confidence of students who for various reasons are lagging behind in science
 Getting the students' attention and preparing them to absorb knowledge is not a separate and independent link in the educational process. This takes place throughout the whole training process and possibly beyond. The didactic tools vary. Their selection at the vocational school primarily determines the specific composition of the students, i.e. age characteristics, life and production experience, learning motives, etc.


  • HeHllIHX ycJIOBHH npoųHoro M C03HaTeJibHOfO ycBOeHHH 3HaHHH, 5IBJI5leTC5I no.nroTOBKa yųarn:HxcH K aKTHBHOMY BocnpHHTHIO

  • TaK, npH 3H3JIH3e KOHCIIeKTOB yųaIIJ,HXCH, KOTOpbre OHH COCT3BJIHJIH rrpH BOCIIpirnTHH HOBOfO yųeoHOfO MarepHa-1a, OOHapy:mHJIOCb, ŲTO cyIIJ,HOCTb 3H3HHH OTBJieŲeHHOro xapaKTepa yJiaBJIHBaercH HMH xy:me rro cpaBHeHHIO co 3H3HH5IMH KOHKperHoro xapaKrepa

  • Hx BHHMamre 11oypoųHo 06paru;aJIOCb Ha cĮJaKrHųecKHif MareprraJI, Ha ero Heo6xo;:rHMOCTh. Yųaru.Hec.H 3KC11epHMeHTaJibHbIX KJiaCCOB B CBOHX OTBeTax rrprrno,n:HJIH MHOJKeCTBO cpaK­ TOB, HJIJ1IOCTpHpy10ru.rrx KaJK,L(b!H 11pH3HaK HMIIepHaJIH3Ma. LI:ocTHrHYTbie pe3YJibTaTbI B 3KcrrepHMeHTaJibHhIX KJiaccax 110 HCTOpHH II01f{a3b!Ba!OT, ŲTQ yųa­ mrrec.H 3THX KJiaccoB 110Ka3aJIH JiyųIIIee yMeHrre ycraHasmmarb CB.H3h Me2K,ny o6ru;rrM H ųacT0HbIM, a, CJie,noBaTeJibHO, H caMo 110H5ITHe «HM11eprraJIH3M,, KaK BhlCIIIaH H 110CJie,L(H.H.H cra.n:H.H Kal1HT3JIH3Ma» ycBOHJIH 6oJiee rny60KO

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HeHllIHX ycJIOBHH npoųHoro M C03HaTeJibHOfO ycBOeHHH 3HaHHH, 5IBJI5leTC5I no.nroTOBKa yųarn:HxcH K aKTHBHOMY BocnpHHTHIO. TaKHM o6pasoM, cneu:mpRKa llIKOJibI pa6oųeli MOJio.UeJKH rpe6yeT oT yųH­ TeJIH He TOJibKO 060.n.pHTb MbICJib yųam:HXCH, HO H, no Mepe B03M0)!{HOCTH, TYT :tKe Ha ypbKe JIHKBH.UlipoBaTb mi:e10mHeCH npo6eJihI B sttaHHHX, no6y,1b1JiT KJiacc K aKTHBHOMy BocnpHHTHIO HOBOro yųe6Horo MaTepHaJia. Borrpoc no)l.roTOBKH yųaw.HxcH K ycBoeHHIO HOBhIX sttaHHH Ha ypoKe 5IBJI5leTC5I He HOBbIH B COBeTCKOii: ,ZUi)l.aKTHKe. 0.nttaKo OTHOCHTeJibHO lllKOJI pa6oųeii: MOJIO,Ue)KH ,naHHhIH Borrpoc KaK B o6m:ene.uarornųecKoii:, TaK H B MeTO,ll.HŲeCKOH JlHTepaType paCKpb!T He,[101].

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