
The species composition, diversity, spatial and trophic structure of macrobenthic communities of the sublitoral and lower littoral zones were studied in several lagoon ecosystems (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea). Surveys detected 52 species of benthic invertebrates and 6 species of seaweeds and algae in the investigated ecosystems. In the sublittoral zone, the greatest species diversity, total density and biomass of species populations were found in the lagoon least closed off from the sea, located at the exit from Kislaya Inlets’ head, where marine less euryhaline species were found more. The smallest species diversity was found in the most fenced and silted lagoons of the Nikolskaya Inlet and Zelyoniy Cape, where brackish water and marine euryhaline species prevailed. An intermediate position was occupied by the lagoon of Yermolinskaya Inlet and the lagoon near Lake Yershovskoe. In the littoral zone, as opposed to the sublittoral, common indicators of the macrobenthos community structure (total density, biomass, and less so the species diversity) increased from less regulated and open ecosystems to more enclosed ones. The exception was the lagoon of Nikolskaya Inlet, where significant overregulation and siltation led to a significant reduction in species diversity, total density and, especially, biomass of the macrobentos community. The trophic structure of macrobenthic communities of the studied lagoon ecosystems is characterized by a similar structure – the group of collector detritivores prevailed in the sublittoral zone, with an upward tendency from more open lagoons to lagoons sheltered off from the sea. In the lower littoral zone, which is more exposed to tidal impact, there was a greater amount of immobile sestonivores (Mytilus edulis), as well as scraper grazers (Littorina littorea) with the group of immobile sestonivores (M. edulis) tending to increase towards lagoons that are moderately sheltered off from the sea (the lagoon near Lake Yershovskoe lake and the lagoon of Yermolinskaya Inlet).


  • The species composition, diversity, spatial and trophic structure of macrobenthic communities of the sublitoral and lower littoral zones were studied in several lagoon ecosystems (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea)

  • The greatest species diversity, total density and biomass of species populations were found in the lagoon least closed off from the sea, located at the exit from Kislaya Inlets’ head, where marine less euryhaline species were found more

  • The exception was the lagoon of Nikolskaya Inlet, where significant overregulation and siltation led to a significant reduction in species diversity, total density and, especially, biomass of the macrobentos community

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Материалы и методы

Исследование макробентоса в прибрежных экосистемах лагунного типа проводили летом 2013–2016, 2018 и 2019 гг. в районе ББС МГУ (рис. 1). В Никольской губе пробы отбирали с 24 станций (11 в нижней литорали и 13 в сублиторали), в Ермолинской губе – с 17 станций (6 в нижней литорали и 11 в сублиторали), в лагуне, расположенной в самом куту Кислой губы возле Ершовского озера, – с станций (6 и 7 соответственно), а в небольшой лагуне на выходе из кутовой области за верхними порогами – с (6 и 8 соответственно). Сублиторальный макробентос отбирали с помощью дночерпателя Экмана – Берджа с площадью захвата 1/40 или 0,025 м2, по два дночерпателя на станцию в Ермолинской губе и по одному в двух лагунах кутовой области Кислой губы, а также в лагуне Никольской губы и лагуне на Зеленом мысе. Для расчета биомассы определяли сырой вес организмов. Для каждой станции были получены плотности и биомассы видовых популяций, а также посчитаны индексы видового разнообразия Шеннона [Shannon, 1948]. Статистический анализ данных проведен с помощью пакетов прикладных программ PAST ver. 3.24 [Hammer et al, 2001] и MS Excel 2010

Результаты и обсуждение
Макробентос Macrobenthos
Lake Yershovskoe
Lagoon at the outlet of the head of the Kislaya Inlet
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