
This work reflects the main ways of preserving and training the regional management and scientific and engineering elite. In the 90s, the country was reformatted in the Russian Federation. Along with its negative consequences, such as the deindustrialization of the economy, there were also positive ones, at least legitimate in the minds of society: the creation of institutions of private property and elections. Therefore, the country is currently living in conditions of postmodernization, and some of its regions are in the 21st century, i.e. in the post-industrial society, some remained in the 20th – industrial society, and some territories found themselves in conditions far from the real world and social networks. Since no post-industrial economy can exist without an industrial one, the leading positions are occupied by Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as the regions of the Urals, which still remain the most industrialized zone of our planet, in which it was possible to quickly, although not fully, revive the manufacturing industry. The Kaluga region, now an industrially developed region, where the training of scientific and engineering personnel is carried out in the universities of the cities of Kaluga and Obninsk, was chosen as an object for research. One of the basic universities is the branch of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman in Kaluga, which has organized scientific and educational centers (REC) since 2010, as well as branches of basic departments at a number of industrial facilities. In these facilities, joint-stock companies (JSCs) and firms of various forms of ownership, the main staff of engineering and technical specialists and their managers are graduates of the last 20 years of the Kaluga branch of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman and IATE – a branch of MEPhI in Obninsk. The financial capital of foreign firms and private, as well as the intellectual capital of domestic business, invested in the functioning of the economy, made it possible to revive some traditional manufacturing industries in the region, as well as to create new manufacturing industries, for example, in the fields of mechanical engineering, instrument making and radio electronics. At the same time, managers and engineering personnel were trained in local universities, incl. and REC, created jointly with JSC. The qualifications and outlook of these specialists made it possible to create promising management structures in manufacturing industries and implement rational schemes for introducing corporate information systems into technological processes. Since in 2018, an innovative scientific and technological center (INTC) was created in Obninsk, the core of which is the aforementioned Obninsk branch of MEPhI, which is now part of the structure of Rosatom, the Physics and Power Engineering Institute (IPPE), the Medical Radiological Scientific Center (MRRC) and a number of other scientific manufacturing enterprises that have been in it for several years, then the scientific and engineering elite of the region will be concentrated there for the implementation of the nanobioindustry, as well as nuclear and medical technologies.

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