
Many properties of special polynomials, such as recurrence relations, sum formulas, and symmetric properties, have been studied in the literature with the help of generating functions and their functional equations. In this study, we define Frobenius–Euler–Genocchi polynomials and investigate some properties by giving many relations and implementations. We first obtain different relations and formulas covering addition formulas, recurrence rules, implicit summation formulas, and relations with the earlier polynomials in the literature. With the help of their generating function, we obtain some new relations, including the Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds. We also obtain some new identities and properties of this type of polynomial. Moreover, using the Faà di Bruno formula and some properties of the Bell polynomials of the second kind, we obtain an explicit formula for the Frobenius–Euler polynomials of order α. We provide determinantal representations for the ratio of two differentiable functions. We find a recursive relation for the Frobenius–Euler polynomials of order α. Using the Mathematica program, the computational formulae and graphical representation for the aforementioned polynomials are obtained.

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