
Experiments were performed using a Tunnel Probe (TP) inside the weakly-ionised plasma of the Linear Magnetized Plasma Device (LMPD). The TP is designed as a concave probe, which should annihilate the problem of sheath expansion in the ion branch of the I-V characteristic. As the ion saturation current is consequently well defined, the ion parallel current and plasma density can be more accurately calculated. Furthermore the ratio between the ion saturation currents on the two collectors (tunnel ring and the back-plate) can be used to derive the electron temperature. The TP has been repeatedly used with success on the former Castor and Tore-Supra tokamaks and will be used on the upgraded version of Tore-supra, namely the WEST tokamak, as well [1, 2]. It was however never used successfully in a low-temperature plasma.We studied the feasibility of the TP use in a low-temperature plasma for direct measurements of plasma temperature and density. The various probe characteristic dimensions, such as the distance between the two collectors, the aperture size and the probe radius were varied to see influence of the individual probe feature. We also varied the level of magnetization of the charged particle species, the background gas pressure (which influences the electron energy distribution function), the plasma density (important for the ratio between the λD and the ion Larmor radius). The sensitivity of the probe alignment to the magnetic field lines was also studied. We found, that the ion saturation current does not necessarily saturate and that the probe works according to expectations only in a limited amount of regimes.

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