
In this note we give sufficient conditions that certain sphere bundles over spheres, denoted Bn(p), are of the homotopy type of loop spaces mod/? for p an odd prime. The method is to construct a classifying space for the /?-profinite completion of Bn(p) by collapsing an Eilenberg-Mac Lane space by the action of a certain finite group. We say that a space X has some property mod/? if the localization of X at p has the property. The problem of determining which spheres are of the homotopy type of loop spaces mod/? has been completely solved by Sullivan [9]. It is therefore natural to ask which sphere bundles over spheres are of the homotopy type of loop spaces mod/?. In this regard, results of Curtis [2] and Stasheff [7] concerning the question of which sphere bundles over spheres are //-spaces mod/? give some negative information. Moreover, in a recent paper [3] we investigated a certain class of sphere bundles over spheres and gave necessary conditions for them to be of the homotopy type of a loop space mod/? for /? an odd prime. In this note we prove that certain of these bundles satisfying the conditions of [3] are of the homotopy type of a loop space mod/? and answer a question posed in [8]. For p an odd prime and n a positive integer, the space Bn(p) is an 5-bundle over s~ classified by the generator of the /?-primary part of iT2n+z(v-i)(S)From [5] we have that H*(Bn(p)\Z\p) is an exterior algebra on generators x andy , where d e g x = 2 « + l , d e g j = 2 « + 2/?—l and ^x=y. Although few of the Bn(p) are of the homotopy type of a loop space mod/? (see [3]), we have the following exceptions. THEOREM 1. The space Bn(p) is of the homotopy type of a loop space mod/? ifn and p satisfy any of the following conditions: (i) « = 1 ; p=any odd prime, (ii) n =/?—2 ; /?=any odd prime, (iii) «=7;/? = 17, (iv) rc=5;/?=19, (v) H = 1 9 ; / ? = 4 1 . AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 55F25, 55F35. Copyright © American Mathematical Society 1974

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