
Background. Гельминт Trichinellа относится к классу Nematoda (Rudolphi, 1808); к отряду Trichocephalida (Skrjabin et Schulz, 1928); вид Trichinella spiralis (spiralis) (Owen, 1835) имеются также различные вариететы. В данном исследовании изучен вариетет Trichinellа spiralisIn order to prevent trichinosis in the population and animals, methods of diagnosis of trichinosis are widely used.
 Purpose. The aim of this work was to study the distribution of trichinosis among wild animals of the Kirov region and the Komi Republic and to analyze the localization of Trichinella sp. in the muscles of animals and the features of their capsules in various animal species by the methods of trichinelloscopy and the digestion of muscle tissue in artificial gastric juice.
 Materials and methods. The capsule index was calculated using morphometric analysis. The most sensitive among the methods of postmortal diagnostics is the method of digestion of muscle tissue in artificial gastric juice, therefore it is used as a method for clarifying the diagnosis in doubtful cases (sarcocystosis, alariosis).
 Results. The article provides data on the distribution of trichinosis in wild animals of the Kirov region and the Komi Republic. Information on the selective distribution of Trichinella larvae in wild animals, the morphological features of the capsules and the intensity of invasion in various animals are presented.
 Conclusion. Thus, it has been established that the distribution of Trichinella larvae in muscle depends on the species of animals and parasites.

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