
Lanthanon monosulfides show sernimetallic conductivities with the exception of EuS and YbS, which are insulators, and of SmS, which is an n-type semiconductor with an energy gap of 0.24 eV. Ytterbium monosulfide becomes a p-type semiconductor when doped with sulfur. A new value for the susceptibility of EuS is given. Rare earth nitrides have the Same crystal structure (NaCl) but are not isoelectronic with the monosulfides, except for CeN in which cerium has an oxidation state of +4. Magnetic measurements revealed that in EuN there is present Eu 2+ in large amounts depending on the oxygen content; SmN and YbN also contain metal ions in +2 state. In all other nitrides of the series the metal is present as tripositive ion. All nitrides show semimetallic conductivity with the exception of YbN which appears to be a semiconductor.

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