
Abstract1. The relative abundances of two highly sought after spearfishing target‐fish species, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) and Sparus aurata Linnaeus 1758, were compared using underwater visual censuses in shallow (<5 m) inshore waters along rocky shores inside and outside a marine reserve area in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Banyuls‐sur‐Mer region, France).2. The relative abundances of these two species were consistently lower outside the reserve area, which comprised around 40% of the 25.6 km of inshore coastal waters surveyed.3. The demographic structure of D. labrax was also different inside and outside the protected area, the proportion of larger fish being significantly higher in the marine reserve.4. The direct and indirect impacts of spearfishing are postulated to explain the distributional and population structural characteristics of these two species in the shallow waters off this rocky coast.5. Prohibition of spearfishing has favoured the persistence of these species during summer (the main spearfishing season) in the shallower inshore waters inside the area of the Cerbère/Banyuls‐sur‐Mer marine reserve.6. These preliminary results indicate the need for additional work in this area and further surveys to ascertain spearfishing impacts on target‐fish species in the vicinity of other marine protected areas.Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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