
The paper gives records for 45 species and varieties of diptera, other than mosquitoes, taken in the Colony and Protectorate of the Gambia in the rainy season, July to September, of 1952.The collection includes Culicoides grahami and C. austeni among eight ceratopo gonids ; the psychodids Phlebotomus dureni, P. squamipleuris, and varieties of P. freetownensis; 14 tabanid species including Chrysops distinctipennis and C. longicornis; and 18 species of calliphorids and muscids including Chrysomyia putoria, Auchmeromyia luteola, Musca domestica s.l., M. sorbens, Glossina palpalis and G. morsitans. Cordylobia anthropophaga is more recently reported. The records are arranged according to the species observed in European houses by day and by night, in African villages indoors and outdoors, and elsewhere by day and in certain special circumstances. Species certainly observed biting man were : C. austeni, C. nigeriae, Lasiohelea lefanui, Tabanus taeniola, T. biguttatus, Ancala latipes, Glossina palpalis and G. morsitans.

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