
Infants of known birthdates were sampled from a population of yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, to ascertain the reliability of several maturational changes which could be used to age infants whose birthdates are unknown. The transition from the infant's black natal coat to the uniform yellow or tan adult pelage proved extremely variable, with completion varying from 7 to 19 months. The transition from the pink skin of the newborn to the completely grey adult pigmentation was much less variable. Skin on the hands and feet and on the paracallosal area was completely grey in all individuals by 8 months, while skin on the face and ears changed more gradually and was entirely grey by 12 months. These data are in substantial agreement with maturational markers established for yellow baboon infants in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, despite differences in habitat and age-sex structure between the two populations.

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