
s) (if two or more abstracts, each is on separate line; see h below and F7) Introduction (if not part of text; see i below and 12-16) *(List of) Abbreviations and Symbols (if short-if long best put in back matter; seej below and F5) Political Concordance (see F6) Chronology (or put in back matter; see k below and M4) TEXT OR DESCRIPTIVE (TAXONOMIC) PART First text page (introduction [see i below and 12-16] or chapter 1) or: Title (second book half title or first part title) (p. 1) Left blank (p. 2) First text page (p. 3) (for textual items see T2-T7 and S1-S9) Epilogue, Afterword, and Conclusions Ganged illustrations, including maps (see T8-T10) BACK MATTER (END MATTER, REFERENCE MATTER) Appendix(es) (could include some of the lists and indices below) Notes Chronology (or put in front matter; see k below and M4) Glossary (see / below and B2) Bibliography (Literature Cited, Reference List) Acknowledgements (if long, or put in front matter-if short best put in preface; seefbelow) Lists and indices (indexes) (see definitions in m below) [could include some of these in appendix(es)] *(List of) Abbreviations and Symbols (if long-if short best put in front matter; seej below and F5) *(List of) Authors of Plant Names (see M5) *(List of) Publication Dates (see M3) *(List of) Taxa (or Numerical List of Taxa) (see M6) *(List of) New Names (Nomenclatural Novelties) (could be combined with the preceding; see M7) Lists for special categories of taxa (could be combined with the of taxa-M6; see M8) *(Index of) Exsiccata [(Index of) Herbarium Specimens)] (see B3) *(List of) Contributors (if long, or put in front matter-if short can put on p. ii; see g below and M9) Index of Common (Local) Names Index of Botanical Names (Index of Scientific Names) (see B4-B6) Bionotes (Biographical Notes) (see n below and M 1) [endpaper indices (see M12)] PAGINATION (see P1-P4); EXTERNAL MATTERS AND EXTERIOR STRUCTURE (see E1-E8) Elaboration of outline. This outline for a customary and efficient sequence for all the of book is modified from The Chicago manual of style (1993; quotation p. 4, outline p. 5, front matter pp. 5-27, text pp. 27-35, back matter pp. 36-37), with input from various issues of FA, FN, and other botanical works. Chicago variously notes that the *-marked items are (p. 19) (p. 402) titled ... on their pages but entered on the contents page as list of.... Some comments on 180 This content downloaded from on Fri, 07 Oct 2016 04:55:29 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms TAXON 46 FEBRUARY 1997 sequence and content are necessary: (a) Few books contain all of these parts, and some books have parts not listed (Chicago, p. 4). There is flexibility in the placement of some parts, but that of others is mandatory (obviously for most languages title in front and traditional indices in back). (b) The letter/number codings refer to parts with more detailed discussion: F, front matter; I, introduction; T, text; B, back matter; M, miscellaneous, for items M3-M9, M11, because these can be variously placed (see also M1, M2, and M10). (c) Some publishers put the contents page (CP; usually titled simply

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