
Introduction: Port site hernias continue to be a major problem in laparoscopic surgery. The causes of this type of hernia are numerous. The main ones are operative wound infection, obesity, male gender, diabetes, BPH, etc. However, in addition to these factors it seems that in the etiology of post laparoscopic port - site hernias are at least two other factors that have an impact on these complications.
 Aim of the article is to assess the role of different factors in the occurrence of port site incisional hernias according to our experience.
 Material and Methods: the 187 patients who were operated on at the General Surgery Department of the Clinical Hospital of Tetovo between January, 2017 and June, 2019 on whom the surgical intervention was performed through laparoscopic techniques were included in this study. The reason for the surgical interventions has been various surgical pathologies of the abdomen such as cholecystolithiasis, acute appendicitis, cysts of the liver, ovaries and kidneys, etc. Postoperative complications in these patients, especially port site hernia will be in the focus of our study.
 Results: Out of the total of 187 patients included in this study the occurrence of incisional hernia was recorded in six of them. In five patients the hernia was localized at the site of insertion of the supra-umbilical trocar, while in the other, the trocar was inserted below the xiphoid process. From our records it happened that in all these patients, with postoperative hernia, the insertion of the cannula was done with the cutting trocar. At the same time in all six patients with post laparoscopic hernia the surgical intervention performed was cholecystectomy or appendectomy. Thus, the removal of the gallbladder and appendix, without the use of an Endo-bag, was performed at the site of the hernia presentation. In all these patients the entrance porta infection in which the hernia has occurred, was registered in the early post operative period.
 Conclusion: Of the many factors that increase the risk of incisional hernias, at the site of cannula insertion during laparoscopic interventions, it seems that the type of trocar and the place from which the extruded organ is removed, if it is done without the use of an Endo-bag, are very important.

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