
This contribution assesses the availability of catabolic energy for microbial life during water–rock reactions in the flanks of mid-ocean ridges, where basaltic and ultramafic rocks interact with circulating seawater. In addition to equilibrium thermodynamic computations, results for kinetic reaction paths are presented. In these calculations, it is assumed that dissolution of olivine and basalt glass control the rates of hydrogen forming reactions in ultramafic and basaltic rocks, respectively. The results suggest that all ocean crust basement rocks release enough hydrogen (H2,aq) to support hydrogenotrophic life at low water-to-rock ratios. Olivine dissolution rate control imposes a stronger effect on hydrogen production than phase equilibrium controls, indicating that magnetite formation is not a requirement for production of large amounts of hydrogen in ultramafic rocks. The formation of non-tronite and celadonite are primarily responsible for the formation of the moderate amounts of hydrogen (H2,aq) expected in basaltic ridge flanks. Under conditions of large seawater fluxes required to account for the great global convective heat flow in ridge flanks, however, hydrogen production in basaltic ridge flanks is insufficient for supporting hydrogenotrophic life. It is hence proposed that the role of Fe oxidation in basaltic ridge flanks is greater than previously suggested. A standing stock of 2.4∗1028 cells may be supported by Fe oxidation in basaltic ridge flanks, equivalent of about 10% of the sedimentary deep biosphere. The size of a hydrogenotrophic biomass within the ocean crust is more difficult to estimate because the rates and processes of hydrogen release are insufficiently constrained. In any case, hydrogenotrophy in the ocean crust should be of key importance only in olivine-rich basement rocks and in sedimented ridge flanks with low time-integrated seawater fluxes.


  • Seawater flows in aquifers within the seafloor at rates so large that it takes only few 100s of 1000s years to process the entire volume of the oceans through the permeable ocean crust (e.g., Elderfield and Schultz, 1996; Fisher, 2005)

  • A specific surface area (SSA) of 1 m2 g−1 was assumed in all kinetics calculations, as it may serve as good approximation for the SSA of fresh basaltic crust (Nielsen and Fisk, 2010)

  • The interesting observation here is that the type of secondary Fe(III) mineral is only of secondary importance, if olivine dissolution is the rate-limiting step. These results suggest that magnetite is not required to explain hydrogen production

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Seawater flows in aquifers within the seafloor at rates so large that it takes only few 100s of 1000s years to process the entire volume of the oceans through the permeable ocean crust (e.g., Elderfield and Schultz, 1996; Fisher, 2005). This tremendous flux, coupled with exchange reactions between the crust and the circulating seawater, is critical in global budgets of ocean-lithosphere exchange. Alteration of basaltic glass removes Ca++ and SiO2 from the crust into the oceans, where these components are taken up in algal and protozoan tests These processes play a central role in the silicate–carbonate loop of the Earth’s carbon cycle (e.g., Arvidson et al, 2006). Microbial activity within the ocean crust likely affects the rates and pathways of reactions governing exchange between seawater and oceanic basement

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