
The origin of the gases in the gastro-intestinal tract, their passage, absorption and expulsion, are large themes and will not be presented here. One phase, viz., air swallowing, or aerophagy, will be discussed with particular reference to the clinical features. Air swallowing is an extremely common occurrence. At least 60 per cent of patients with functional or organic disease of the gastro-intestinal tract are belchers or have symptoms of one sort or another referable to aerophagy. The French and Germans have written considerably on the subject, but the American and English literature contains few references to it. In one extensive bibliography, of 130 references, 1 only ten are American and four English. It is certainly a symptom of importance. While most frequently a functional disturbance, often it signifies organic disease. One recalls its frequency in cardiac disease. Elderly patients with hypertension are aerophagic almost as a rule. Neurotic individuals may

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