
The study was conducted at GrdaRrasha Research Field / College of Agriculture / University of Salahaddin / Erbil City – Kurdistan Region-Iraq during the winter growing season of (2014-2015), to select a genotype which has adaptation to our region  depending on  yield  and quality in addition to anatomical study of the studied genotypes .For this purpose a field experiment was conducted for comparison among (12) genotypes using randomize complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates under supplemental irrigation condition. The results indicated that  Dunckledgenoyype  superior significantly   in days from sowing to maturity ,   number of pods plant-1  ,  Seeds Pod-1 ,  Seed  index  , Seed yield (Mg ha-1) , biological yield and  harvest index   with the values of  (166.33 days , 248.63, 25.68,  6.10 , 5.20, 16.20 and 0.32  respectively,  while  the highest values of  oil% and oil yield were  recorded from Bard-1 genotype. Results also revealed the presence of large variations in numbers of vascular bundles per midribs; stem epidermal layers and thickness of cells; cortex and vascular bundles for different genotypes. The differences were observed in the vascular bundles per midrib of leaf large vascular bundle surrounded by collenchyma, except Bard-1,Rally, Rendy and Rapiferathe midribs composes of three semicircular vascular bundles. and showed variations in stem epidermal layers, were two layers as in Sultan, Bacara, and Rapifera .

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