
The doping behaviour of S and Se in the VPE growth of GaAs at 760 and 660°C is studied by carrier concentra-tion, mobility, photo and cathodoluminescence measure-ments. The carrier concentration increases linearly with the partial pressure of S or H2Se up to a solubi-lity limit, the highest value of which is obtained with Se at about 1019cm-3. The mobility for Se-doped layers is higher than for S-doped ones when n > 4.1017cm-3, and a mobility decrease is observed for both at dopings exceeding the solubility limit. Postgrowth annealing at the growth temperature of highly doped samples decreases their carrier concentration to values corresponding to the bulk solubility limit. The decrease of the room temperature luminescence intensity at high doping levels in tentatively interpreted as due to precipitate for-mation. Finally, the linear dependence on the dopant partial pressure of the impurity incorporation as well as the observed annealing behaviour are interpreted by an incorporation mechanism controlled by the surface states.

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