
The following thermal data have been measured f or some of t he compounds and metals of cerium and neodymiumz (1 ) t he heats of sol ution and dilution of the anhydr ous chlorides i n aqueous solution; (2) the changes in heat capaciti es of solut ion and di l ution of the anhydrous chlorides in aqueous solution~ (3) t he heats of s olution of the anhydrous chlorides and met als i n aqueous hydrochloric acid~ (4) t he heats of solution of the hydrated chlor ides in aqueous solution; ( 5) the heats of precipitation of t he oxalates in aqueous oxalic acid solution; and (6) the heat capacity of neodymi um metal i n t he tempera~ ture range of oo to 250°C. In addition, the heats of s olution and dilution of potassium chloride and oxalic aci d hydrate in aqueous solution, and the heat capacity of t antalum metal from 0°C e to 425°Co have been measured. From the data on the heats of sol ut ion and ilution, the following thermodynamic quantities have been determined& (1) t.he relative apparent molal and relative part ial molal heat contents of solutions of the chlorides of cerium and neodymium~ {2) t he relative apparent mol al and relative part ial mol al heat capacities of solutions of the chl orides of cerium and neodymi um; (3) t he heats of formation of the anhydrous chlorides of cerium and neodymium; (4) the heats of hydration and of formation of hydrated chlorides of cerium and neodymium» (5) the heats of formation of the hydrated oxal at es of cerium and neodymium; and (6) the heats of formation of the ions of cerium and neodymium. Revised values for the heat of sol ut ion at infinite di l ution of potassium chloride and the heat of f ormation of oxal ic acid hydrate have been presented. With the ai d of dat a i n t he literature~ the entropies, entropies of format i on 9 and f r ee energi es of f ormation of t he above chemical substances as well as t he st andard electrode !This paper is based on a PhD thesis by Carl Fredrick Miller~ submitted in July~ 195le

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