
It was the original intention of the authors to revise all the Australian species of the Family Gobiidre, but circumstancefl have prevented us from carrying out our design. We therefore submit descriptions and figures of such species as we have been able to deal with, and give references to the others. We have been unable to allocate some of the species dealt with to any genera known to us, but as we lack several important papers on the classification of the Gobiidre, we have preferred to leave them under the broader headings GO/J/:U8 ,and Elevtris rather than create unnecessary additions to the already long list of Gobioid genera. We have had the advantage of examining the very large collections contained iil the Australian Museum, the Queensland Museum, the Macleay Museum, ,md the South Australian Museum. These include numerous types and cotypes, and many authentically labelled specimens, while the Australian Museum is fortunate in possessing a representative series of Indian fishes from the collection of the late Dr. Francis Day. All these have enabled us to clear up many points in the synonymy of the species dealt with. ' We are greatly indebted to the Trustees of the Macleay Museum for the loan of all the Gobies and Eleotrids under their charge. We also have to thank Mr. Edgar R. Waite, Director of the South Australian Museum, for the loan of those ill his collection.

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