
Objecive — to investigate the clinical effectiveness of the antihistamine of II- generation Eslotin (desloratadine) in the treatment of chronic urticaria, the effect on the quality of life and the safety of therapy of patients.Materials and methods. A group of 15 patients with chronic urticaria was under investigation. The average age of patients was (27 ± 5) years. The patients had moderate severity of clinical symptoms (tangible but tolerable itching, the presence of 7—12 blisters). 73 % of patients had sleep’s disturbance. 53 % of patients had a decrease in the quality of life as result of disease. In the treatment scheme, Eslotin was used in 1 tablet of 5 mg once daily for 10 days. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated based on the dynamics of clinical symptoms in points and was carried out on the 2nd and 10th days of treatment.Results and discussion. Due to the treatment, the positive dynamics of all clinical manifestations of the disease has been achieved. The overall severity of clinical manifestations on day 2 of treatment with Eslotin decreased by 22 %, and after 10 days — by 66 %. Relief of urticaria (decrease in the number and size of blisters) was achieved by 16 and 59 %, respectively, and improvement in sleep on day 10 was 80 %. The increase in the quality of life was in 62 % of patients. During the 10-day use of Eslotin side effects were not observed. During the clinical observation of patients, there were no changes in laboratory indices before and after treatment.Conclusions. Modern II-generation antihistamine medicines should be considered as first-line products for symptomatic treatment of the urticaria. They have a sufficient safety profile. The use of II-generation antihistamine medicine Eslotin containing 5 mg desloratadine in patients with chronic urticaria is safe, effective, provides strong anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory activities, reduces manifestations of angioedema and subjective disorders, such as itching and burning.

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