
The article is devoted to the actual problem of effective management of the enterprise human resources; to the research of theoretical approaches to the definition of key indicators to the state assessment of productive labor use. It is proved that the basis for improving the efficiency and development of the economy is productive labor. The method of measuring and evaluating of the dynamics of the labor productivity definition in enterprises using statistical methods is proposed. The effects of productivity changes on the enterprise indicators such as the production capacity use, the reduction of the production costs, profitability rise, etc are examined. Also in the article the reasons and factors determining the indicator level, the basic criterion of of the enterprise labor resources optimality are revealed and proved. The main stages of the development of statistical evaluation methods of the general indicators state of the economic entity labor productivity are observed. For the more complete and effective performance analysis at the enterprise assessment is proposed by such methods as: calculation of gross output (sales revenue) per employee and per one spent man-hour. Investigation of the labor productivity dynamics and assessment of the impact of factors is generally performed using index analysis. The labor productivity dynamics, the use of working time and the average number of employees are analyzed. It is proposed to exclude the impact of volatility indices of effective use of labor resources in the deterioration of other economic activity indicators of the enterprise to improve the conditions for the high productivity achievements; active use of continuous monitoring of the factors of influence, as well as the creation and implementation of the set of measures to ensure the solution. It is found that the successfully organized personnel management system creates the basic settings for the operational management of human resources, solves the problems of the company survival, contributes to its stability and development.

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