
This review reflects some aspects related to synergistic effect of aluminum and fluorine on a human body. The fluorine and aluminum - highly-reactive elements are widely used in nature and belong to the 2nd and 3d class of hazard. Both elements are actively used by people in different spheres of economic activity. At present, a lot of researches have been devoted to the influence of aluminum and fluorine on a human body. However, often the studies did not take into account the synergetic effect of these elements, so the detected effects could be mistakenly assigned to one of them. Often, such a joint impact of aluminum and fluoride on the organism has a synergistic character. The antagonism between fluorine and aluminum is essential in the toxicokinetics and the substances' distribution in the organism. Whereby, the mutual influence of the elements is not definite and depends on many factors. One of the mechanisms of synergetic action of aluminum and fluorine can be caused by the formation of fluorine-aluminum compounds that function in the body in a manner similar to phosphate groups. The complexity and ambiguity of the joint effect of aluminum and fluorine on a human body, as well as the interaction of both elements, necessitate further study of this issue.

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