
It has been substantiated that students’ academic mobility is an important mechanism for the development of the higher school aimed at improving of the quality of curricula and plans, the level of scientific research, strengthening the academic and cultural internationalization of European higher education, the degree of personal development of the student. The purpose of the article is to find out the essence of the phenomenon of academic mobility of student youth and to identify the factors that complicate its implementation. Methods of research: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the given problem, generalization, statistical analysis. On the basis of the generalization of scientific approaches (functional, personal and cultural) it has been established that academic mobility is an opportunity to study, teach, practice or carry out scientific activity in another educational institution in or outside Ukraine, the result of which is self-realization of the individual in the process of learning and professional activities. There are determined three levels of factors that complicate the process of academic mobility: the state level (insufficient financing, imperfection of normative regulation of the credit transfer system), the level of higher education institutions (lack of institutional mobility strategies, differences in educational programs, plans), personal level (motivational (lack of motivation as a result of misunderstanding of the benefits of participating in academic mobility), informational (lack of information on internships, grants, scholarships), evaluative (inability to evaluate the academic mobility programs and the results from participation in it), active (lack of experience in independent living, teamwork), socio-cultural (lack of knowledge about the tradition and culture of other people), communicative (low level of possession of a foreign language), creative (inability to generate ideas and to predict their consequences). It should be noted that for the purpose of elimination of these factors there is needed some modernization in the sector of normative-legal, informational, infrastructural, personnel, educational -methodical and financial support of students’ academic mobility.

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