
Abstract Processing of the seismic data acquired in areas of complex geology of the Dnieper-Donets basin, characterized by the salt tectonics, requires special attention to the salt dome interpretation. For this purpose, Kirchhoff Depth Imaging and Reverse Time Migration (RTM) were applied and compared. This is the first such experience in the Dnieper-Donets basin. According to international experience, RTM is the most accurate seismic imaging method for steep and vertical geological (acoustic contrast) boundaries. Application of the RTM on 3D WAZ land data is a great challenge in Dnieper-Donets Basin because of the poor quality of the data with a low signal-to-noise ratio and irregular spatial sampling due to seismic acquisition gaps and missing traces. The RTM algorithm requires data, organized to native positions of seismic shots. For KPSDM we used regularized data after 5D interpolation. This affects the result for near salt reflection. The analysis of KPSDM and RTM results for the two areas revealed the same features. RTM seismic data looked more smoothed, but for steeply dipping reflections, lateral continuity of reflections was much improved. The upper part (1000 m) of the RTM has shadow zones caused by low fold. Other differences between Kirchhoff data and RTM are in the spectral content, as the former is characterized by the full range of seismic frequency spectrum. Conversely, beneath the salt, the RTM has reflections with steep dips which are not observed on the KPSDM. It is possible to identify new prospects using the RTM seismic image. Reverse Time Migration of 3D seismic data has shown geologically consistent results and has the potential to identify undiscovered hydrocarbon traps and to improve salt flank delineation in the complex geology of the Dnieper-Donets Basin's salt domes.

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