
The article raises questions about the functioning and implementation of new mechanisms for financing higher education institutions in the context of reforming this sector. The authors emphasize that a new approach to the sources and procedures of higher education funding is a major challenge for educational institutions and a driving force for changing traditional thinking patterns. However, in order to rationalize management education processes, it is essential to take the necessary steps to implement the ongoing reforms in higher education. The purpose of this article is to analyze the features and trends of reforming higher education funding in Ukraine, taking into account the reforms proposed by the Ukrainian government. In order to increase the effectiveness of public education funding policies, it is first and foremost necessary to improve the planning of spending for the current year on the maintenance of educational institutions; to develop the independence of education institutions in the use of budgetary resources, and in particular, the revenues from the implementation of additional activities and paid services; improve the pricing system; implement tax optimization measures. In order to make better use of all financial resources by higher education, it is necessary to broaden the financial autonomy of universities on the one hand, which will significantly increase their financial and economic autonomy and stimulate improvement of indicators that affect the level of funding from the state. On the other hand, an effective mechanism for state crediting of educational services should be put in place, which will make the student feel responsible for learning success. The increase in the financial resources of universities due to budgetary and extra-budgetary sources of funding and their adequate use in the future will increase the possibilities of using the academic potential of most universities, and will contribute to the development of higher education as one of the prerequisites for further progressive development of society.

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