
The occupation policy of Tsarist Russian territory of Kazakhstan started from the 18th century and was carried out in two directions. The first is military politics and the second is “occupation” politics. In the politics of invasion of the territory of Kazakhstan, the researches of the Russian Geography Society’s folk art are very important. The first sushi of the Society was officially opened in 1845 in the towns of Oral, Omb, Tashkent and Semey in Kazakhstan. In these sights, the leading scholars of the Russians have done field research and left great scholarly wealth in the Kazakh people. Semyonov Tyan-Shanski, who conducted side-by-side surveys on the progress of Tsarist Russia in the 19th century to the South-East direction of Kazakhstan, and F.P. Litke’s work is very important. In addition, N.M. Yadrintsev and G.N. Potanin’s work is valued a major contributor to Russian colonialism among the Kazak Turks. Research conducted by the society in the direction of popular science The socio-cultural, political and economic situation of the territory of Turkistan Governorate (southern region of present day Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan) will play a major role in the investigation of this region’s methods of Russification politics. For this reason, the studies on the people’s consciousness that constitute the main source of our work will open the methods of the colonial policy of Tsarist Russia in Turkestan in the second half of the 19th century and early 20th century.The activities of the Russian Geographical Society of the Russian Geography Society on the territory of Kazakhstan during the tsarist Russia period will reveal the following issues:– Turkestan will explain that the main purpose of the scientific activities of the Russian Geographical Society in the region is Russification;– will show how Kazakista entered Kazakhstan’s Russian administration system by investigating the rites of the people of the region, oral literature, worldview and religious understanding of the people of the region, and at the same time the form of administrative reforms carried out in this territory between 1860 and 1890

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