
In this study, the onset of the azimuthal instability and its growth is analyzed by using linear theory. In the self-similar domain, the stability equations are derived and the principle of the exchange of the stabilities is considered. The resulting stability equations are solved analytically by expanding the disturbances as a series of orthogonal functions. It is found that the long-wave mode of disturbances has a negative growth constant, and the related system is always stable. For the limiting case of the infinite Peclet number, Pe → ∞, and the small viscosity variation with the concentration, i.e., R ≪ 1, the stability equations are rescaled and the disturbances are decomposed using the spectral approach. It is shown that the short-wave mode is the preferred mode for the high \({R^\ast\left( {= R \sqrt{Pe}}\right)}\). Analytically, the present study recovers and complements the previous work.

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