
Recently, the Sombor index of a graph was defined, and a large amount of study was conducted quite quickly. It has been proposed to generalise the idea of vertex degree-based topological indices from graphs to hypergraphs. We give the bounds for the Sombor index of hypergraphs and bipartite hypergraphs using the total number of vertices in the graph. Hypertrees are the connected hypergraph, where the removal of any hyperedge disconnects the hypergraph. A -uniform hypergraph is a hypergraph with k vertices in every hyperedge and a linear hypergraph is a hypergraph where any two hyperedges can have at most one vertex in common. We give the extremal hypergraphs among the class of uniform, linear and general hypertrees. The expected generalisation of some vertex degree based topological indices from graphs to hypergraphs has been listed.

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