
This study was aimed to localize and characterize the somatostatin-immunoreactive (SOM-IR) neurons in the rat cuneate nucleus (CN). By immuno-histochemistry, the SOM-IR neurons, which were widely distributed in the nucleus, were round, spindle or multiangular in shape (mean area = 226.1 +/ -3.1 microm(2), n = 1016). By electron microscopy, the neurons shared all the ultrastructural features of the cuneothalamic neurons (CTNs) which showed a slightly indented nucleus and a fairly rich cytoplasm containing well-developed Golgi apparatuses and rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). The SOM immunoreaction product filled the cytoplasm of the neurons extending from the soma to the proximal and distal dendrites, which were postsynaptic to unlabeled boutons. In addition to soma and dendrites, SOM-IR boutons were also identified which made axodendritic synaptic contacts with SOM-IR dendrites. The SOM-IR neurons were characterized by using anti-SOM pre-embedding immunolabeling coupled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde method, or SOM immunolabeling along with anti-glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) or glycine post-embedding immunolabeling for identification of CTNs, glutamate-IR, GABA-IR and glycine-IR neurons, respectively. It was shown that more then 80% of the CTNs contained SOM and, furthermore, they contained glutamate but not GABA or glycine. On the basis of present findings, it is suggested the majority of the SOM-IR neurons in the rat CN are CTNs and that they may be involved in modulation of somatosensory synaptic transmission.

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