
Previous studies have established that neutral olfactory cues associated with sexual reward or inhibition become conditioned stimuli that direct male or female rats toward or away from potential sex partners bearing the cue. Here we examined the ability of a somatosensory cue to exert stimulus control over sexual arousal and copulation in male rats. In the first experiment, two groups of sexually naïve male rats had their first copulatory experiences with receptive females in bilevel chambers with or without a rodent jacket. On a final copulatory test, half of the rats in each group were tested with the jacket on or off. Rats trained and tested without the jacket copulated normally, as did rats trained and tested with the jacket on, and rats trained without the jacket but tested with the jacket on. However, significantly fewer rats trained with the jacket on but tested with the jacket off copulated to ejaculation, and those that did made significantly fewer anticipatory level changes and had fewer significantly longer mount, intromission, and ejaculatory latencies, and fewer ejaculations. In the second experiment, one group of sexually naïve males was given differential conditioning trials in bilevel chambers to associate the jacket on with sexual reward (copulation to ejaculation with a sexually receptive female) and the jacket off with sexual inhibition (thwarted copulatory attempts with a sexually nonreceptive female). A second group had the opposite order of association. A final test with receptive females was made for all males with the jacket on. Males trained to associate the jacket with excitation displayed normal copulation whereas males trained to associate the jacket with inhibition displayed significantly fewer anticipatory level changes and ejaculations, and had significantly longer ejaculation latencies. Thus, somatosensory cues can signal sexual excitation or inhibition in male rats depending on the conditioning history.

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