
Introduction. Currently, Russia does not have a scientifically grounded medical and psychological support system for disabled children (DC), which allows involving them in classes in children and youth schools of adaptive physical education, preparing the country’s Paralympic DC reserve. Aim of the study. To develop and create a medical support system for the Paralympic DC reserve, capable of improving their quality of life and forming a medical and social lift. Materials and methods. Children aged from 1 year to 18 years had cerebral palsy (CP) with impaired motor functions of levels I and II according to the global motor function assessment system and the Manual Abilities Classification system and their families were monitored. A comprehensive assessment of the somatic, neurological, mental and nutritional status of CP children) was carried out, and a wide range of comorbid pathology was described. After the rehabilitation treatment with the use of complex personalized rehabilitation programs, dynamic monitoring of the condition of patients with cerebral palsy was carried out, followed by an assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment and the impact on it the psychological readiness of patients, their parents to engage in Paralympic sports, as well as the socio-economic level of the family. The attitude of CP children and their parents to participate in the Paralympic movement was studied. All patients underwent a comprehensive study of somatic, neurological, orthopaedic, psychological and nutritional status. The socio-hygienic characteristics of families and the rehabilitation potential of DC and their families have been determined. Results. Children with cerebral palsy have a wide range of comorbid pathology, which requires the involvement of specialists of different profiles in the curation of patients. The use of complex personalized rehabilitation programs allows achieving positive dynamics after 14 days of rehabilitation treatment. Early introduction of botulinum therapy in the rehabilitation program of CP patients provides higher efficiency of rehabilitation treatment. Treatment of protein-energy deficiency in CP children should include correction of the diet using specialized products, metabolic therapy, enzyme and complex vitamin preparations. Differentiated medical, psychological and pedagogical counselling of parents of CP children will allow optimizing the solution of the state problem regarding the timely inclusion of persons with disabilities in adaptive physical education classes. Conclusion. The development and creation of a comprehensive medical and psychological support system solve an urgent medical and social problem, ensuring the integration of DC into society and improving the quality of life of both a sick child and his family members.

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