
This systematic review explored the occurrence and types of somatic symptoms in children (0-20years) who have experienced parental cancer. We complemented a systematic literature search from PubMed and PsycInfo with a reference search. We identified 1,694 articles, which were independently screened by two authors; they further evaluated potentially relevant papers for quality and extracted the data. We found nine relevant studies (10 publications) on altogether 672 children with a parent who had cancer; four studies included a control group. The studies typically focused on children's psychosocial reactions on parental cancer rather than somatic complaints, so symptom prevalence cannot be reliably summarized. Several studies were small, and the types of somatic symptoms were only specified in five studies. Somatic symptoms were reported as a measure of emotional reactions in the remaining four studies. Three studies provided longitudinal data. The main types of specific symptoms reported were eating problems, pain, sleeping troubles, and bed-wetting. Children of cancer patients tended to show an increase of unspecified somatic symptoms and pain, but evidence was inconsistent. There was a tendency that somatic complaints were associated with increased emotional distress in the children. The material did not allow for separate analysis by age group or bereavement status. Children in families with parental cancer may present with somatic complaints, but the prevalence and significance is not possible to estimate due to very sparse research in this area. Health professionals or counselling providers should not overlook this possible sign of distress. Qualitative studies report significant health anxiety in these children; this may represent a specific topic for counselling in this population. Targeted studies are needed to evaluate the prevalence and significance of somatic symptoms, and especially vulnerable groups need to be identified.

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