
It is certain that today in a world that is constantly changing and developing, issues of somatic rights are becoming more and more relevant and important. With the development of the Internet and social networks, the threat of cyberbullying and technological violence, which can violate the somatic rights of individuals, has increased. This becomes an urgent problem that needs to be addressed and dealt with.
 It has been established that somatic rights are one of the most important rights of a person that relate to his physical body and health. These rights recognize inviolability, privacy and control over one’s own body. They are fundamental for the dignified and free life of every person and are protected by law and international conventions.
 It is emphasized that reproductive health is not limited to the ability to have children. It also includes ensuring physical, psychological and social well-being in the field of reproduction. Inadequate access to reproductive services can lead to serious health problems that affect a person’s overall health and quality of life. Ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in terms of reproductive health is an important aspect of gender equality. Access to reproductive services should be provided regardless of gender, ethnicity, social status, etc. This helps to take into account the individual needs and rights of each person.
 In summary, somatic rights are important for ensuring the physical and psychological well-being of every person. They protect inviolability, privacy and control over one’s own body and are a fundamental component of a dignified life. Ensuring the protection of these rights is the task of both the legal state and society in general, and requires attention to the needs and rights of each person.

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