
Somatic growth rate of pond-reared larval and juvenile striped bass, Morone saxatilis, influenced the relationship between otolith size and fish size. Slower growing groups of individuals had larger and heavier otoliths, relative to fish length, than did faster growing groups. Within each growth group, otolith and fish size were highly correlated. Daily increment formation was validated from 10 to 51 d after hatch. Significant interaction occurred between age and fish size effects on otolith size. We propose that otolith growth occurs by two interacting processes. Otoliths grow daily in an incremental manner which is independent of somatic growth. Growth also proceeds continuously within each daily cycle of increment deposition, probably in some proportion to daily somatic growth. Corollaries to the hypotheses are (1) somatic growth rate can influence the otolith–fish size relationship, (2) intraspecific variation in otolith scaling might be used to predict past differences in somatic growth rate, and (3) there is a biological rationale for the use of otolith size and fish size as predictors in age estimation.

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