
An efficient protocol was developed using cell suspensions for somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in a most popular diploid AB banana (M.accuminata X M.bulbisiana hybrid) cv. Elakki Bale (syn Neypoovan) known for its taste and keeping quality in southern India. Floral primodia from position 8–16 of male inflorescence which were more responsive for embryogenesis were used as explants for the embryogenic callus production in MS media supplemented with different concentration of 2,4-D. A concentration of 18.1 μM 2, 4-D produced maximum embryogenic calli in 1 % of the explants inoculated. Embryogenic calli on repeated sub culturing on MA2 media produced good embryogenic cell suspensions (ECS). Microscopic examination of ECS showed globular, smaller with dense cytoplasm filled with starchy granules characteristic of embryogenic cells. Highest number of somatic embryos (189) was produced on modified MA3 media. A germination percentage of 31 % were observed in BAP 22.19 μM concentration. Regenerated plants with normal shoot and root were hardened in soilrite. Direct somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration was also noticed in embryogenic calli which did not pass through the ECS stage. The protocol optimized for somatic embryogenesis through cell suspension and also direct embryogenesis leading to plantlet regeneration can be used for the micropropagation and genetic manipulation.

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