
A sunflower genotype (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Florom-328) able to regenerate plants from in vitro cultures was identified by screening hybrids and inbred lines. Protoplasts of this genotype were isolated from dark grown hypocotyls and were cultured in droplets of agarose-solidified V-KM medium covered by liquid V-KM supplemented with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and benzylaminopurine (BAP). One week later colonies were subjected to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid for a one week period. Further culture in V-KM with reduced concentrations of NAA and BAP resulted in the appearence of somatic embryos. Maturation of embryos was achieved by culture on MS medium supplemented with NAA, BAP, gibberellic acid A3 and the ethylene inhibitor AgNO3. Embryos were then transferred onto hormone free MS medium for germination. The frequency of shoot formation in the best case was 9.6 percent of viable colonies (1.3 percent of protoplasts plated). Some of the shoots with roots could be transplanted into soil, others were grafted on hypocotyls of in vivo germinated seedlings. Eighty percent of grafted shoots and over 95 percent of rooted shoots survived. The plants flowered and produced 5 to 10 seeds each. Factors affecting the frequency of embryo formation and plant regeneration are discussed.

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