
The probabilistic travelling salesman problem (PTSP) is an extension of the well-known travelling salesman problem (TSP), which has been extensively studied in the field of combinatorial optimization. The goal of the TSP is to find the minimum length of a tour to all customers, given the distances between all pairs of customers whereas the objective of the PTSP is to minimize the expected length of the a priori tour where each customer requires a visit only with a given probability (Bertsimas, 1988; Bertsimas et al., 1990; Jaillet, 1985). The main difference between the PTSP and the TSP is that in the PTSP the probability of each node being visited is between 0.0 and 1.0 while in TSP the probability of each node being visited is 1.0. Due to the fact that the element of uncertainty not only exists, but also significantly affects the system performance in many real-world transportation and logistics applications, the results from the PTSP can provide insights into research in other probabilistic combinatorial optimization problems. Moreover, the PTSP can also be used to model many real-world applications in logistical and transportation planning, such as daily pickup-delivery services with stochastic demand, job sequencing involving changeover cost, design of retrieval sequences in a warehouse or in a cargo terminal operations, meals on wheels in senior citizen services, trip-chaining activities, vehicle routing problem with stochastic demand, and home delivery service under e-commerce (Bartholdi et al., 1983; Bertsimas et al., 1995; Campbell, 2006; Jaillet, 1988; Tang & Miller-Hooks, 2004). Early PTSP computational studies, dating from 1985, adopted heuristic approaches that were modified from the TSP (e.g., nearest neighbor, savings approach, spacefilling curve, radial sorting, 1-shift, and 2-opt exchanges) (Bartholdi & Platzman, 1988; Bertsimas, 1988; Bertsimas & Howell, 1993; Jaillet, 1985, 1987; Rossi & Gavioli, 1987). With its less than satisfactory performance in yielding solution quality, researchers in the recent years switch to metaheuristic methods, such as ant colony optimization (Bianchi, 2006; Branke & Guntsch, 2004), evolutionary algorithm (Liu et al., 2007), simulated annealing (Bowler et al., 2003), threshold accepting (Tang & Miller-Hooks, 2004) and scatter search (Liu, 2006, 2007, 2008). Because the genetic algorithm (GA), a conceptual framework of the population-based metaheuristic method, has been shown to yield promising outcomes for solving various complicated optimization problems in the past three decades (Back et al., 1997; Davis, 1991; O pe n A cc es s D at ab as e w w w .ite ch on lin e. co m

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